Fig 06
Piece & Quiet is a series of eighteen unique chairs that draws upon the literary, musical and cinematic idea of découpé, or cut-up. The aleatoric technique of découpé stems from the notion that a text, musical score or image could be cut up and rearranged to create a new body.
Off-cuts and partially completed prototypes float around the studio; some more machined and worked than others, many just raw materials laying in their natural form. A chair would begin with a collection of elements and then their individual figures would guide the rest of the design, creating a new visual phrase. Design by intuition; limited, but simultaneously, expanded within the constraints of what is salvaged.
Often, parts are intentionally omitted, opening up new ways of interaction; forcing the user to adjust their posture, lean a certain way or rest just one arm, maybe causing the feet to embrace the ground in a non familiar way.
The projection of forms often drifts toward a subtle humor and casually saunters away from the inherent functionalism of furniture, without leaving it behind completely. Sit, lean, observe. Accept – or reject – an embrace.
This is a unique piece in a series of eighteen chairs. It is also featured in the book that was released in conjunction with the series.
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